As a small business owner, your time is limited.  If you have read Michael Gerber's the "E-Myth Revisted," you know exactly what I am talking about.  You cannot run a business, manage employees, do marketing, attend networking events, maintain an Internet presence and try to have some semblance of a life.  And if you are parent or caregiver on top of that, the you're doubly challenged.  You need someone who will provide business coaching PLUS.  The Idea Genie can do that! The following are areas in which I can either provide the services myself or refer out to a team of experts:

Spiritual Business Plan
Business Coaching & Business Plan
The Law of Attraction
Pre-Entrepreneurial Counseling & Agreement
News releases
Web site development
Internet Marketing
Health & Wellness
Peak Brain Performance
Caregiver Wellness
Life's Transitions
Feng Shui

Pricing which are suitable for all budgets, is generally based on the scope of our coaching and specific needs. I will gladly give you an estimate once we have  discussed how I might best serve you.

The  Idea Genie
What If Your Three Wishes Could Be Granted?

Dear Paula:

It is with many thanks for your coaching services that I write this testimony.  Paula you have been such a wonderful listener and tremendous coach.  You have enabled me to search deep within to clear the clutter in my mind, emotions and surroundings.  I now have a perspective in my life and recognize my worth and rightful place. 

All my life I have given of myself to be a blessing to others.  Today I take my life back, as well as, my rightful place in earth.  It was a matter of going deep within to clear emotional pain and clean the clutter in my life, as well as, burying past issues.  It was about forgiving others and myself, making declarations and decrees, so God could establish and revelation could come.  Its done, put a fork in it.

I can recommend to others now, not to own your own problems, but rather to pray about them and call you, Paula Quick for professional coaching services. 

- Business Owner & Ministry Leader